Well, I've gone crazy. I've dyed my hair blonde. It's not my favorite but its definitely different. Sometimes looking for something outside of the norm isn't always a great idea. Sometimes, sticking to what you know is the best idea.
Brie's appointments went well at primary children's hospital. Not anything new was told to us but hopefully what we did find out will help her with her ongoing pain. Every time I go there I realize how incredibly blessed we are. Brie could be so much worse. Two families I had spoken to had children that had varying types of transplants. 100days of hanging around after its done and that's if everything goes perfectly. As difficult as our problems are, they could be so much harder. I'm grateful for our trials. It proves to me that Heavenly Father knows us and what we need to experience to grow.
We also went to Boondocks, my cousin Jared's house and the Hogle Zoo. It was a long trip but fun. Life is about making memories and hopefully my kids remember this trip. I appreciate Jared and Kristi for letting us hang out. It was so much fun. I really miss the gatherings the Brownings' used to have. Great food and lots of laughs. I was so privileged to have such a great extended family. I now have a lifetime of memories to keep close to my heart. And I feel like I made some new memories at Jared's house to add to those of the past. Lol. I'd share but it was too embarrassing.
Steve is busy at work and doing such a great. He keeps in line and we continue to read scriptures over the phone nearly every single night. I love you Mr. Belnap!!
I helped Lexie mow the grass today. And now, I'm so itchy. Does anyone else ever experience annoyances that just drive you nuts?? Ie...wasps, bees, itchy grass clippings, allergies, etc I'd love to hear what bothers you.