

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

New great sayings!

I found this saying and really like it....

Forgiveness does not mean the cancellation of all consequences of wrong doing. It means the refusal on God's part to let our guily past affect His relationship with us.  - unknown-

Obstacles are those frightful things You can see when you take your eyes off your goal. -Henry Ford-

As soon as you truly commit to making something happen, the how will reveal itself. - Tony Robbins-

You must have long range goals to keep from being frustrated by the short-term failures. - Bob Bales-

To be successful, you must decide exactly what you want to accomplish, then resolve to pay the price to get it. - Bunker Hunt-

Sometimes life's frustrations get to me and I forget to look for the positive. That is until I read positive quotes like the one's I listed above. It's having the courage to forge ahead that takes the real strength. Forgetting what stands in your way and finding what makes you truly happy.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Maci's Birthday

Maci just turned one!! YA! She just learned how to walk without anyone's help four days before her birthday. Still no teeth however, oh well. She loved all the attention and cousins to play with. There is one cousin in particular that is close in age that she likes to play with. I can't believe that my little baby is already one. My how the time flys. Never did I think I'd have four children and especailly all girls. However, they have been and continue to be such a blessing. I don't know what I would have done with boys.